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The first roundup of 2023

As we head towards Spring, it’s time for the next edition of our eagerly awaited round up… you have been waiting right? 

It’s been a strange start to the year to say the least. For us we have been fortunate to remain busy, but closures of local businesses, particularly some wonderful independents, restaurants and bars in and around Norwich have not gone unnoticed. Our hearts go out to those who are experiencing hard times.

Whilst it doesn’t feel possible given the press coverage over the past year, it has just been announced that the UK is not currently in a recession, nor are we expected to fall into one for the remainder of the year. Giving us all a glimmer of hope that maybe the UK economy is in fact proving to be stronger than the experts thought it would be, and certainly from our industry perspective that is something we echo right now.

True, it’s not all sunshine and roses everyday. We have ups and downs and uncertainties of course, but for us right now we are experiencing more enquiries than ever as people adapt their businesses to beat the rising costs and changes in shopping habits.

As more businesses move their focus online, we are receiving more call to support increasing enquiries, online sales and presence. Naturally there is a lot more competition fighting to be heard in the digital space than there was a few years ago, across all industries, meaning digital marketing and digital PR has never been more important to get right. The cost of living crisis has hit businesses and employees alike, but we know from experience that with times like these, comes opportunity.

Digital audits for local businesses gives so much insight into market conditions, not just overall, but within each individual sector. We love showing business owners what potential there is out there, with a fair and balanced view backed up by data. If you are wanting, or simply needing, to step up your online sales and you just don’t know where to start, please give us a call. We know times are hard right now, so we continue to offer the same accessible, free and honest advice we always have.

If you are a business that is struggling and you need a hand, there may be some quick changes we can suggest to help. Please feel free to give us a call in confidence, we are always happy to help or point you in the right direction if we can.

Client Spotlight

This quarter we are celebrating Heat Different who we have been working with since mid 2018. We know just how hard at work they are making our planet more sustainable by installing renewable heating pump systems across East Anglia. These heat solutions are for both commercial and domestic properties and can come in the form of air source and ground source heat pumps. Their expert in-house design team also make sure that the installation meets all bespoke requirements of a property so no matter where you are there is no excuse not to go greener with your energy.

We are celebrating their recognition by Google’s knowledge panel! Our very own Erin has been working hard to bring some heat to the Heat Different’ rankings, earning the top spot for the very important question “where should I place my heat pump?”. Want to know the answer? Just ask Google, you won’t have far to go to find the answer. 

If you are looking for a renewable heat source for your home or business then Heat Different are the place to go. Interested but are not sure where to start? Then get a free quote via their website, just answer a few simple questions and a member of the team will be in touch to discuss your best options. Simple.

Introducing Production

Since our move into our new studio, our developers and designers have really benefited from working in the same room as one another. As a result we have made the decision to merge design, development and project management all under one creative and coding shaped umbrella – namely production. Which brings us nicely to the fact that Phoebe has been promoted! Moving from digital executive to becoming our new head of production, she is absolutely buzzing with enthusiasm for the new role. 

Head of production Phoebe

We interviewed her too…

NU: Why did you decide to apply for the new HOP role?:
P: Being part of the management structure of Nu Image has always been part of my long term goal. I remember in my first interview I was asked ‘what motivates you to come to work everyday’ and my answer, every time, will be my team. I find great job satisfaction knowing that everyone is feeling good energy and the room is animated and working to their best ability. Nothing better than feeling like we’ve all achieved something as a group effort.

NU: It must have been hard leaving your clients in digital behind? How’s that working out?:
P: It’s sad to no longer be directly part of their journey. But, it’s not a goodbye, as HOP I still get to see design and development work go through production and I feel proud to churn out really cool stuff for them, it just keeps getting more creative every time. SO actually, I do still feel part of their story, I’m just helping monitor things from the other side! I also still get to say hi and chat whenever my old clients come in or if I answer the phone. Guilty, I’m a chatterbox! 

NU: What are you most looking forward to achieving in your new position?
P: I’m looking forward to fine tuning the procedures we have in house and making sure that everyone in the team can advance their skill sets so we can keep advancing our offering. I would love to grow the team even bigger, and grow our design department in particular. If I can take on enough business, I’d love to get to the point of needing two project managers. I wanna get bigger and continue to advance.

Sites going live left right and centre

We’ve had a flurry of sites launch this last quarter. Here’s a little of what we’ve been up to:

Moulding new beginnings

Ever find yourself needing bespoke plastic mouldings and components? No nor us to be honest, but it depends who you’re asking. There is a HUGE market out there for plastic injection moulding in the manufacturing industry and Bowles and Walker recruited our services to get them looking the part amongst their competitors.

We had some fun designing this one using a wicked animated opening banner to demonstrate the precision moulding implemented by one of their machines. The mini video of the robot doing its thing, doesn’t just literally show what they’re about, it also lends itself to their brand ethos. Fast turn around, precision, consistency. Bosh. 

Also, who knew photography of plastic parts could look so appealing!? If you scroll down, beneath the fold, the macro shots of the colourful fittings almost look like sweets in a sweet shop! Don’t eat them though, they are most definitely a choking hazard.

Check it out:

Fitting out a new website

Vincents are a company that specialise in interior fit outs and electrical installations within in the retail and industrial sectors. In layman’s terms: Shop fit outs, like installing counters and displays within WHSmiths for example. We built their previous site, but it was a in need of a freshen up and a slight change of direction. The brief was to create them something airy, spacious and light that would reflect the sort of design work they do on a daily basis. We achieved this with cool tones and simple elements that can breathe. Simple and clean. 

Making moves with Kate Money

Kate Money. One smart lady, holistic and patient outlook on life, budding physio and a lifetime dedicated to yoga practice. Kate’s been a long standing friend of ours for a while, coming in to teach us yoga as part of our wellness programme at Nu Image. We are so proud to work with her and even more proud to be trusted with creating her first ever website where people can book yoga sessions and massage therapy appointments. 

Kate is a natural soul and we wanted our designs to represent that. Our incredible studio assistant once again picked up her pen and paper and sketched some design elements for the build, going for a shabby chic aesthetic with earthy tones and some incredible lifestyle shots of Kate during her practice.

Look how pretty!

Time for a website MOT

It was time for our Bromley Car Repairs to get a digital face lift. Having built their previous website, many moons ago, a service was well overdue. We’ve advanced the site with modern and vivid images making use of the car headlights in particular to give the tones of the site more depth. A seriously slick website for a seriously slick service. We are proud to have been asked to create a new site for Bromley and we can’t wait to continue working with them in the future. 


Emily has been busy growing her digital team. First off we have welcomed a new social whizz to our team, Alex. Alex joins us from the Theatre Royal, having been responsible for their social media accounts.  In true Nu Image style he was creating himself on an egg on day one. We’ll let you guess which one is Alex…

Emily has also welcomed two new digital marketing executives into the fold, Isla and Willow. They will enter our unique 6 month initial training process to prepare them to support our clients in the world of digital marketing. Exciting times ahead.

Welcoming new digital clients

As we continue to march forward we are excited to announce that we have some lovely new digital clients starting their SEO journey with us! In true Nu Image style, we thought we would welcome them in, the very best way possible, with puns of course. Sorry in advance.

JaeVee – The UK’s first joint venture platform between main contractors and investors, we think it’s time for them to start a joint venture with Google.

Bowles & Walker –  With their new website live it seemed only right to pair it with some digital marketing. We can’t wait to help inject them straight onto Google’s SERPs.

Chapman & Peach – A rebrand from CP Transport Solutions, we’re ready to take this dedicated personalised courier service on a trip to digital success.

Aleks Jewellers – We’re excited to help this independent jewellery store shine at the top of Google just like their pristine jewellery. 

Upskilling from Universal Analytics to GA4

In July 2023, one of the biggest interface changes we’ve seen in our industry for many years will be happening: The transition from Universal Analytics to GA4 (Google Analytics 4). This is the 4th version of the data tracking and analysis tool which helps us to identify and improve user journey and conversion rate on websites. This new version will advance our knowledge and advance our ability to strategize intelligently. It’s all in the name of working smarter, not harder.

Following our blog back in June 2022, Introducing GA4, we have been preparing for the switch over, setting up a GA4 account for all our SEO clients so that we don’t lose the ability to track audience and conversion interactions on their respective websites once Universal Analytics officially retires this July. Google Analytics is a very important tool in our day-to-day data analysis so it’s been integral that we keep on top of this change, understand it, and learn to use it effectively. Without it, we’d be pretty stuck!

If you aren’t already on an SEO package with us, and would like our help in setting up a GA4 account so that you can keep up to date with your website’s performance please let us know. Our digital team has been undertaking some intense training to become GA4 wizards, they are all geared up to help.

Spotlight on… Ellie!

Every round-up we plan to chat with one of our team, this time we are catching up with Ellie, who is a digital marketing executive.

NU: Go on, let’s start with a secret
E: A secret? It’s nothing super interesting but I’m grade 7 in the Flute, which I haven’t played for years so unfortunately, no concert for Nu Image.

NU: How long have you worked for us?
E: I have worked at Nu Image for 1 year and 10 months exactly.

NU: What’s the best part of your role?
E:The best part of my job would have to be that every day is different. I think I would get agitated in a job where each day looked the same. Even though I work on the same group of clients weekly it’s never the same thing twice and, as the industry is always evolving, there is always a chance to work on something new and creative.

NU: Can you tell us a bit about a hobby you have?
E: I would probably say my favourite hobby is going to AR Krav Maga, which is a self defence club, on a Wednesday evening. I’ve really been enjoying developing my technical self defence skills that will help not only protect myself but others if I needed to. It’s also a lot of fun and I come away feeling pumped and ready to take on the rest of the week, especially if we’ve been doing pad work. I think the Nu Image team have also been enjoying hearing about what I’ve learnt from week to week!

NU:What’s the single best thing you have worked on since being here?
E: Nothing beats that moment when you get your client to the first page of Google for their most searched for keywords. But in terms of something I’ve worked on that you can physically see, it would have to be when we worked on our own big website refresh. It felt like a big step for us and seeing the team’s reaction to the final product was really exciting. 

NU: If you were a biscuit what would you be?
E: If I was a biscuit I think I would be an inside out custard cream… a bit weird (like me) but I feel like I have a soft outside that if scraped away the tougher inside comes out. ?

NU: One item you can’t live without? 
E: I think it would have to be chocolate. Everyone in the studio knows that after lunch I like to sit down with a cuppa and that day’s choice of chocolate bar… I do like to dip this in the tea as well. I have also just got a Velvetiser which I am in love with so every night is a chocolate night.

NU: Yum, sounds like the perfect evening. Finally to round us off, what’s your top tip for someone starting out in a career in digital marketing?
E: Get to know your clients. Sounds obvious, but each business has their own tone of voice and way they like things to be done. Once you’ve understood this then communication, content creation and strategy planning becomes so much quicker and fluent. Making both mine and the clients’ life easier.

New ink

We got some fresh ink! No, we didn’t all go and get Nu Image tattoos (yet) but we did get the studio mini freshened up with some hot new branding. Thanks to CIM for your help with this one (and our new studio signage) If you see us driving about, give us a toot. 

And that’s a wrap! Thanks for reading about our journey so far this year, there’s plenty more where that came from so make sure to stay tuned.

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